I don’t know about you guys but it’s a little awkward to see myself as a brand because I think I view celebrities or influencers as a brand but that’s not true, you are a brand whether you believe it or not. The reason why I say this is because when people check you out…
10 Things To Do In Cape Town For Free
Cape Town, better known as the Mother City is one of South Africa’s most popular tourist attraction in South Africa. Here are a few exciting things for you to do in the city that are absolutely free: Hike Lion’s Head If you are a fan of hiking and outdoor activities, then you should definitely check…
It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows YOU
A reoccurring lesson I have learnt in business is, you need to get people to know YOU! Because it’s all great knowing people but if they don’t think of you when they need a service/product you offer then what’s the point? They don’t know you, you just know them. Let me define what I mean…