Last week I was lucky to meet very interesting people in Cape Town when I made a conscious effort to meet new people and make new friends in a city that’s notorious for being VERY CLIQUEY.
One of the most refreshing things I heard was that we should automatically view life as hard and when good things happen to make life easier we should appreciate them.
What do I mean by hard? We lose people we love to death, some people are in debt, you grow up in an abusive household, you want to get a divorce but you need to stay because of finances and the list goes on!
So things such as you get a huge bonus at work, you get along well with your mother in law 😉😋, you get a bursary to pay for your university fees, your business becomes financially very successful or you have a high paying job that affords you the life you want to live. Those are all perks that make life ”easier”.
Some people may view this as a negative thought but these statements fuel me to work harder and appreciate what I have.
This is also a reminder to take ownership of the things that happen to you because blame won’t change a situation that’s already happened but changing your thoughts to ”so that happened, how do I move forward and make the most of the situation, this mindset really changes everything!”
With that all being said, let’s be realistic here. If you do want to really change your situation, you need to figure out the things you can change, can’t change and things you can influence and make daily changes to help you get there. I would say pick 3 things you want to change in your life, eg: If losing weight was one of them, you would have to aim to do the following during the week:
- Eat clean and control what you eat by means of weekly meal prep
- Go to gym 4 times a week or so and make sure you doing workouts that are inline with this goal
- Stop things that used to trigger you to eat more or understand why you gained the weight
Bottom line, where you are today, doesn’t have to be where you will always be. It’s not easy but it’s not impossible.
Think about it 😉